
Innovation in Investment

The primary aim of BlockchainSportX is global scale promotion of talented athletes, as well as development of an innovative unique system of football players’ transfers based on blockchain technology.

The company is going to achieve the aim by developing system software which will allow generating a unique training and financial support system, as well as providing transfer transaction transparency.

BlockchainSportX program is aimed at football clubs, football players and investors who look for a high return on investment in a short time, with a minimum of risk.

Profit simulation based on

Krzysztof Piatek’s example

BlockchainSportX mission is the development of a financial and training support system, as well as promotion of talented football players and other athletes.

Thanks to our concept, football players, as well as football clubs, will gain access to the most modern training achievements and financial support.

Purchase of tokens pertaining to a given football player is a highly advanced form of investment. At the same time, it is an excellent way of having an active impact on the development of the most popular discipline of sport in the world.

The program created by BlockchainSportX is not only a financial investment, but also an improvement of football players’ skills which means a higher level of football leagues’ play and eventually champion-like play of the national football representation.

Geographical Focus

Poland & Brazil

We are launching our business activity from Poland and Brazil (1st stage). Tokenisation of football players in the two countries will be run via an internet platform based on blockchain technology.

Selected football players from the countries will start a training exchange program whose aim is an improvement in the level of football players’ skills. Football is an international sport. We are going to expand our activity onto Portugal, Spain (2nd stage), South America countries (3rd stage), Asia (4th stage).

Working tools

What makes us different?


The main tool linking all investors, clubs and football players together will be an innovative platform based on blockchain with two access levels: a general access level for football fans, and an encoded access level for clubs and investors.

Board of Experts

The whole program will be supervised by an international board of experts consisting of managers, football agents, coaches, dieticians, phisiologists and scouts.

Sport Exchange – NIKE Program

We will build a cross-club exchange training and camp system – NIKE. It will be run both on the local and international level and will be aimed at improving football players’ skills.

Software for saving data

It will be system software based on blockchain which will allow saving data on the development and achievements of each and every football player included in our program, from the beginning to the end of the program.

Personal Tokenisation

What is a personal token PLAYERX1?

A PERSONAL TOKEN PLAYERX1 is a form of an electronic share pertaining to a given football player which, once issued, is listed on a cryptocurrency exchange and sold, purchased, or exchanged for a real or virtual currency.

A limited number of tokens PLAYERX will be issued for each player. Each token will have a given value which will depend on football tests and transfer prognoses.

During the training period, the value of personal tokens of every football player will undergo changes, and their final value will be based on the transfer price of every player.

Depending on the decision of the acquiring club, tokens can be burnt, and the tokenisation process will be finished, or they can be put out for sale again with the aim of continuing the tokenisation process, at new prices.

BSX Platform

Two levels of access

A platform of an international range will be a link connecting investors, football clubs, football players included in our Y&T program, as well as all sport lovers. The Platform will consist of two access levels – a general access level and an encoded access level.

The general access level will include:

  • Football players’ profiles with short bio and information
  • Short videos from trainings and matches
  • Computer games starred in by football players participating in our program
  • Sport news
  • Daily values of tokens from the internal token exchange

The encoded access level will include:

  • Access to the internal token exchange – opportunity to buy/sell tokens
  • Detailed information on each football player participating in our program, football matches results, tests results, short videos from training sessions, etc
  • Coaches’ advice and guidelines
  • Money exchange

Charity Program

Scholarship Funds for Football Players

An algorithm for creating charity funds will be developed. Each football transfer will generate a charity scholarship fund for athletes from individual disciplines such as golf, tennis, track runs, rowing. Athlets will be eligible to apply for a scholarship individually. The scholarship will be non-refundable and will be granted in exchange for an advertising of our company during competitions, tournaments or championships.

How it works?

A description in 5 steps

Step 1. Striking a business relation between BlockchainSportX and a Football Club, selecting football players to the Young & Talented Program

  • Familiarising the Club with the Y&T Program
  • Discussing terms and conditions of the cooperation
  • Signing an agreement (a smart contract) – creating a path for data saving in blockchain including guidelines for check-ups, tests and trainings, as well as sport tests results, football tests, analyses and assessments
  • Selecting football players by a BSX Board of Experts and a Club to the Y&T Program; preparation of a football player’s profile
  • Granting football players with a Gold, Silver or Bronze category which is to help future assessment of the value of issued tokens for a particular football player

Step 2. Raising funds for the Young & Talented Program participation

  • Placing a football player’s profile on the BSX platform
  • Establishing the number and value of football players’ tokens, establishing a soft and a hard cup
  • Promotion among potential investors – targetted mailing, social media campaign, participation in conferences, delivering presentations
  • Sale of tokens at issuence prices, signing smart contracts with investors by means of bockchain technology
  • Obtaining financial resources for a football player’s participation in the Y&T Program
  • Listing tokens on cryptocurrency exchanges

Step 3. Promotional and training step

  • Preparation of a training cycle based on sports tests prepared by the BSX Board of Experts
  • Scheduling local and international training camps
  • Organisation of football matches in football clubs of a higher rank, based on a cooperation agreement
  • Participation in the NIKE program – an international football players’ exchange program aimed at improving football skills by playing in and training with peers from international and European football clubs
  • Pre-sale promotion of a football player on the BSX platform and publishing his achievements and progress
  • Computer games starred in by our football players
  • Outdoor advertisement – press, radio, TV, social media, mailing

Step 4. Transfer of a football player

  • Advisory/consultancy services in terms of selecting a transfer club meeting the player’s requirements and skills
  • Participation in negotiations between selling and purchasing clubs
  • Legal services of the transfer
  • Collating and passing on to the acquiring club a package of data related to a given football player, including a detailed history of the football player and his training path, all safely saved in blockchain, as well as giving access codes and access keys to the acquiring party
  • Servicing the transaction of selling tokens or burning them – depending on the decision of the purchasing party

Step 5. Dividend payout to the investors

  • The investor can sell and buy football players’ tokens on cryptocurrency exchanges during the duration of the promotional-training program of a given football player
  • The value of tokens will undergo usual stock exchange fluctuations, which will make a source of generated income for the investor
  • During a football player’s transfer and payment of the transfer sum to the mother club, tokens are automatically bought out from the investor; in return, money is paid to the ivestor’s wallet together with a dividend
  • Tokens get burnt and a given football player finishes the Y&T program
  • There is also an opportunity to keep the tokens by the acquiring club for a further sale, at new prices, as well as an opportunity to join the Y&T program again


Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions

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